CME-24 (again)

Published: 2006-03-03. Last Updated: 2006-03-03 14:40:15 UTC
by Pedro Bueno (Version: 1)
0 comment(s) is CME-24 time again...
remember your Nyxem/Kama Sutra/Blackworm friend from last month? is suppose to make its round again today, as today is the third day of the month, and "this destructive virus will delete files from a number of popular programs on February 3rd, and on the 3rd day of the month thereafter".
More info on this Blackworm special page.

While looking at F-secure blog , I saw their post about their Virus WorldMap.
It is quite nice! We will probably add it soon to our links page.
Btw, looks like nyxem (CME-24) affected mostly India this month...

Handler on Duty: Pedro Bueno ( pbueno //&&// isc. sans. org.)
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