Security History Poll

Published: 2006-03-03. Last Updated: 2006-03-03 19:33:28 UTC
by Pedro Bueno (Version: 1)
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From some years already, every year you hear that this will be the 'Security Year', that companies will invest lots of money in security, that will be the 'Security Boom', etc,etc...but still, thing are happening slowly.

Today I was talking with some friends about security in companies...and thinking some years back, we were trying to figure out when we started to think about security in a serious way, that would cover all company, from security policy, hardening, security monitoring, access control,etc,etc...and we realized that there are not even 10-15 years...

Then I thought, why not ask our fellow readers about this, as a personal poll? So the question is , when did you/your company start to think about security in a serious way?

I know that some technologies and concepts are new, and that Gov't agencies are usually exception on this, but anyway, it would be interesting to know.

So, trying to not flood tomorrow's handler on duty, please answer directly to me. I will try to consolidate the answers and put in my next shift.

Handler on Duty: Pedro Bueno ( pbueno //&&// isc. sans. org)
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