dd progress indicator on Linux

Published: 2018-07-07. Last Updated: 2018-07-07 00:31:25 UTC
by Didier Stevens (Version: 1)
6 comment(s)

When I have to use dd (if I can, I use dc3dd) I try to remember to include option status=progress to have a progress indicator.

Last time on a Linux machine, I forgot to include that option. Reading the man page for a solution, I found this:

I could get a progress indication, without having to restart dd with the missing status option, by sending it the sigusr1 signal (on Linux).


Didier Stevens
Senior handler
Microsoft MVP
blog.DidierStevens.com DidierStevensLabs.com

Keywords: dd
6 comment(s)


Such a great tip! Again... waiting right in front of our eyes, on the man page all along. Thanks.
nice tip. I like pv also. dd if=/xxx | pv | dd of=/yyy
Good tip! I was not familiar with pv.
This works really well so long as you remember to send the correct signal. Otherwise, it can be somewhat embarrassing to find out that your dd has somehow died (*cough* caught a kill signal)

I may or may not have done this before... :-)
Thanks for the tip! I too found pv because I couldn't achieve progress with dd.
[quote=comment#41626]nice tip. I like pv also. dd if=/xxx | pv | dd of=/yyy[/quote]

Useless use of dd!

</xxx pv >/yyy

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