Top 20 Internet Status Sites

Published: 2003-10-29. Last Updated: 2003-10-30 11:38:49 UTC
by Handlers (Version: 1)
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What Are the 25 Best Internet Status Information Sites? SANS' Internet Storm Center ( is assembling a list of the 25 web sites that provide the most useful information on the state of the Internet. For example, the Cooperative Association for Internet Data Analysis (CAIDA) has multiple projects measuring the performance ofthe Internet. Similarly, Keynote's Internet Health Report shows in near real time the latency between major backbone carriers. Sites like these help keep track of what's happening and assist incident handlers inunderstanding the full context of attacks or disruptions affecting their networks and information systems. If you have a favorite site that you regularly visit (or visit often during a major attack) and would like to recommend it for the Top 25 list, please submit it to with subject Top Security Status Web Sites. Please reply by Friday ifpossible. The first person to suggest each one that we decide to include at the Storm Center portal will receive a SANS shirt.
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