Most Anti-Privacy Web Browsing Tool Ever?
For a while now, I got requests triggering our IDS, for their enormous cookie payload. The payload doesn't appear to be an attack, but includes tons of information, that appears to identify the user. These are not cookies we are setting, so some other site or tool is setting them. The content looks a bit like this may be used to pre-fill forms.
Please let me know if you have any idea what is sending all the data. I have no idea if this is legit, or just a "denial of service agains the analyst". But so far, it looks like the data is "real".
Over the last 10 days, I have seen 50 such requests for 13 different IPs. These are all "HEAD" requests and they hit various URLs on our site. Some have Google analytics "utm" strings appended to the URL indicating that they may come from Twitter related services. For example:
User Agent: AppleWebKit/525.13 (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/525.13.
I am quoting a typical entry below, but I replaced and shortened some of the data with 'xxxxx'
charitydine[repeatad]=yes; default_location[offset]=-4; default_location[city]=ASHBURN; ua-device[look]=web; default_location[region_name]=VIRGINIA; default_location[lat]=39.xxxx; default_location[country_name_code]=US; default_location[lng]=-77.xxxx; default_location[country_name]=UNITED+STATES; lsd=AXxxx_Jq; pid.guid=xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx; ua-device[mobile]=0; ua-device[setDate]=134291xxxx;; NSC_gbsfcvaa.dpn=ffffffff09091cc14xxxxxxxxxxxxx; default_location[postal_code_number]=20146; pds%5Fsess=d=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx default_location[locality_name]=ASHBURN; www.apache.sid=bd28e6405d09ce1f263d9040bbae88db; default_location[ip]=[IP address of request]; datr=ixELUAbi2WAU-IBZ34yrGE5v; BIGipServerWWW.3NEWS.CO.NZ=1113893056.20480.0000; default_location[lang]=US; _shuffler.web_session=xxxxxxx[long URL encoded string]; vglnk.Agent.p=8645d6bf081026933xxxxxxxx;; CB%5FSID=0f54b689a5314dbbbc1bff1eb8b68cbb-396224260-12-6; general%5Fmaturity=1;; locale=en-US;;; BIGipServerPOOL-; CakeCookie[user_uid]=xxxxxxxx app.session=xxxxxxx--xxxxxxxxxx; BIGipServerwww-lb.informatica=xxxxx.20480.0000; BIGipServerpool_www.briargatemedia.com_80=xxxxxx.20480.0000;; _trance-mixes.com_session=xxxxx; .ASPXANONYMOUS=ypvS7qCGzgEkAAAAYTxxxxxxGM1MTU5KOC9Bdg1cTmhf2I-v1VzJ8JuBtA1;\"\"; BIGipServerPOOL-; derStandard%2Eat=MGUID=3507f291-5b32-4a36-8941-014aa483b475&Timestamp=2012-07-22T07:09:17; BIGipServerPOOL_198.101.142.28_80=4010062602.20480.0000; framework.security_id=e5003d6c6cef93db59e92c852aa37766;; next_path=%2Fpages%2FMy-Vault-Card%2F408213029194706%3Fref%3Dstream; gnm.m.u=On7_FOVzE7gcRS1hhjrvkwhl5cknme_4u1CVwx-62PSD_JY7vJm7IA; ASP.NET_SessionId_4=R1342036983; ASP.NET_SessionId=xsanyvzyuql4m245mkprzl45; =true;; connect.sid=LXjcpJkARqE4fNMmCGtL5o6Y.04kX5MkuGDxxxxxbSFgwi6gkWMj0vNnEH38; rack.session=7dca39e61fe4e8483f6740bedc6c68a6eebf3aacdf941bf8afbc0a06efe54140; _swombat.com_session=aba737b1ef62c56e8102e829ecb7d; cnetuk%3Aproduction%3Asid=kn1iu3s75pe6mulnopc2gafnh0;; pds%5Flife=d=AQAC%2BDOCwhxxx=5; _session_id=1fa55bffc2162773f73d947ad45f243f; _bit=500be69b-00340-06202-441cf10a; cpsession=ff2f611c-d3f1-11e1-9a88-1231381f8344; SITE=FLPET; SECTION=HOME; ZDEDebuggerPresent=php,phtml,php3; snowball=xxxxxx-cf9e-43f8-b5fc-210449bd06bd; CAKEPHP=xxxxx; __cfduid=dc11c055eed8c7124c5686f5143e7f63f1342957212; spsite_sid=mgv7401bt5hadkhr733apu87g3; zdregion=xxxx; edition=us; session-zdnet-production=k9ia8jlxxxxxxxxbbes3hs3; NID=62=xxxxxx-jFcgLhqWQKx1D1z9_WRjn_xxxxxx-e5SnM0uw4mEwK;
Johannes B. Ullrich, Ph.D.
SANS Technology Institute
Application Security: Securing Web Apps, APIs, and Microservices | Orlando | Apr 13th - Apr 18th 2025 |
Steven Chamberlain
Jul 23rd 2012
1 decade ago
Steven Chamberlain
Jul 23rd 2012
1 decade ago
The natural evolution for web-based advertising is to serve up advertising as if it were coming "from visited" sites. More third-party cookie information will migrate into duplicated site-specific cookie information. In order to serve user-specific content when a user visits a site, the server checks the provided cookie data, retrieves and caches user-specific content from a third party, serves up the web page with the user-specific content and sets additional cookie data to identify the user better.
This raises the question as to why a "HEAD" request is including such a large amount of cookie data that was never set by the site. It may be that this is a scan that is looking for sites that provide user-specific content (advertising, scripts, etc.).
Depending on how a web server retrieves user-specific content (ideally, such a server would be blocked from establishing outbound connections), it may also be a scan for servers that can establish outbound connections. Depending on what can be done with the embedded third-party cookie data (possibly session-specific), it may also be an attempt to retrieve information.
Jul 23rd 2012
1 decade ago
Al of Your Data Center
Jul 23rd 2012
1 decade ago
Jul 23rd 2012
1 decade ago
Jul 23rd 2012
1 decade ago
Al of Your Data Center
Jul 24th 2012
1 decade ago
Steven Chamberlain
Jul 24th 2012
1 decade ago