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Linux File System Monitoring & Actions

Published: 2022-12-20. Last Updated: 2022-12-20 06:45:13 UTC
by Xavier Mertens (Version: 1)
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There can be multiple reasons to keep an eye on a critical/suspicious file or directory. For example, you could track an attacker and wait for some access to the captured credentials in a phishing kit installed on a compromised server. You could deploy an EDR solution or an OSSEC agent that implements an FIM (‘File Integrity Monitoring”)[1]. Upon a file change, an action can be triggered. Nice, but what if you would like a quick solution but agentless? (In the scope of an incident, for example)

There is a well-known suite of API calls on Linux that track filesystem changes: inotify[2]. Around the API, a set of tools are available, like “inotifywatch” that generates an event when a file is “accessed”:

remnux@remnux:~$ inotifywatch /etc/hosts
Establishing watches...
Finished establishing watches, now collecting statistics.
^Ctotal  access  close_nowrite  open  filename
5      1       2              2     /etc/hosts

Another helpful command in scripts is “inotifywait”:

remnux@remnux:~$ inotifywait /etc/hosts
Setting up watches.
Watches established.
/etc/hosts OPEN

This one waits for some activity, and when it happens, it exists. In a shell script, it helps to wait for an event and then continue the script. That’s interesting, but what if you can’t keep a shell running? What if the shell script exists? How to handle multiple events?

I recently discovered an interesting tool to implement better file system monitoring: incron[3]. The idea is to have an "inotify cron" system. It consists of a daemon and a table manipulator. Like the regular cron, you can schedule scripts that will be executed upon a filesystem change. Here is a quick example:

root@remnux:~# incrontab -l
/var/www/wp/wp-plugins/compromized/phishing.log IN_CLOSE_WRITE /usr/local/bin/

You specify the file/directory to monitor, which access triggers the command. You can specify multiple access types. They are based on the ones defined in inotify.h:

#define IN_ACCESS 0x00000001 /* File was accessed */
#define IN_MODIFY 0x00000002 /* File was modified */
#define IN_ATTRIB 0x00000004 /* Metadata changed */
#define IN_CLOSE_WRITE 0x00000008 /* Writtable file was closed */
#define IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE 0x00000010 /* Unwrittable file closed */
#define IN_OPEN 0x00000020 /* File was opened */
#define IN_MOVED_FROM 0x00000040 /* File was moved from X */
#define IN_MOVED_TO 0x00000080 /* File was moved to Y */
#define IN_CREATE 0x00000100 /* Subfile was created */
#define IN_DELETE 0x00000200 /* Subfile was deleted */
#define IN_DELETE_SELF 0x00000400 /* Self was deleted */
#define IN_MOVE_SELF 0x00000800 /* Self was moved */

The following wildcards may be used inside the command specification:

$$ Prints a dollar sign 
$@ Add the watched filesystem path 
$# Add the event-related file name 
$% Add the event flags (textually) 
$& Add the event flags (numerically)  

This is very efficient because you don't have to take care of loops or keep scripts running for a long time. Just be careful that your command(s) can be triggered many times if a lot of activity is detected on the monitored files/dirs!

Happy hunting!


Xavier Mertens (@xme)
Senior ISC Handler - Freelance Cyber Security Consultant

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