F-Secure and Trend Micro Release Critical Patches

Published: 2008-10-22. Last Updated: 2008-10-22 17:14:58 UTC
by Mari Nichols (Version: 1)
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US-CERT has released information on two critical patches for F-Secure and Trend Micro security software.  As one of our readers, Roseman put it, time to keep your "keep-you-safe" software safe!  
Today, Trend Micro released patches affecting Office Scan versions 7.3 and 8.0.  The patches address a stack-based buffer overflow via HTTP request to server CGI modules. You can get further information about the respective patches here:



Yesterday, F-Secure released Security Bulletin FSC-2008-3 which addresses a RPM parsing vulnerability in which specially-made compressed file archives cancause an integer overflow.  This would apply if your program scans compressed files.  Read more about it here.

Mari Nichols    iMarSolutions

Keywords: FSecure Trend Micro
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