Two-factor authentication Defense Mechanisms

Published: 2006-01-16. Last Updated: 2006-01-16 20:34:51 UTC
by Tony Carothers (Version: 1)
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With the growing use of two-factor authentication, users are finding it increasingly difficult to safely transport and, especially, store one of the more common devices used in this endeavor; the Smart Card.  A device the size and shape of a common credit card, this is different from standard credit cards in that it has an embedded chip for the storage of information, particularly user information and certificates.  Recent discussions brought about the point that an individual might be wise to protect the Smart Card with the same degree of protection as the other piece of two-factor authentication, the PIN.  

Both devices, at a minimum, require protection from the greatest threat posed to date, and that is electromagnetic psychotronic hacking form mind control carriers (MCCs).  In previous articles it was established that psychotronic hacking can be used to decrypt and read brain waves, so the process of hacking a Smart Card would be child's play for MCCs. 

*PIN Protection unit (PPU)

*Smart Card protection unit (SCPU)

The regular practice, and combined use, of the PPU and SCPU will result in a little known heightened state of personal security, commonly referred to as Infosystems Defcon 10T (ID-10T)

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