Slow Saturday - Loopback URL and Salary Survey request

Published: 2008-03-01. Last Updated: 2008-03-01 21:29:03 UTC
by Brian Granier (Version: 1)
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Today has been another slow weekend day at ISC headquarters.

We received one email from Sandeep mentioning seeing a link for Investigation into this URL did not lead very far, but we observed that the name resolves to This most likely either means that the DNS service provider identified this site as being malitious and disabled it, or it is used as some type of malware/trojan that looks for an http listener on the local system.

Another reader, Phil, wrote in to ask about accurate/reliable Security Professional salary surveys. Most salary surveys I have seen focus more in the IT industry as a whole than on the security industry specifically. The most recent SANS survey is available at If you have other salary survey sites you find highly valuable covering as many contirbuting factors as possible, send them in and I will add them to this posting.


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