New MS SQL Server vulnerability

Published: 2008-12-15. Last Updated: 2008-12-16 01:21:55 UTC
by Toby Kohlenberg (Version: 2)
2 comment(s)

A slightly belated entry to make sure everyone is aware that last week we saw a new vulnerability announced for MS SQL Server 2000, 2005 & 2005 Express Edition by Bernhard Mueller from SEC Consult. Here is the original announcement:

The above link does include a simple test script (not a full PoC) for the vulnerability.

There is a mitigation available - you can remove the vulnerable stored procedure - Correction below for SQL Server 2005. Microsoft hasn't provided a patch yet and hasn't provided a timeframe for delivery either.

Update: We've had a report that this works against 64bit as well as 32bit versions of SQL Server 2005 (no reports on SQL Server 2000 yet)

Also, thanks for the comments from Brian and Hacktheplanet pointing out that in SQL Server 2005 you can't remove a Stored Procedure, all you can do is deny execute permission to the public role:


Keywords: MS SQL Server
2 comment(s)


In sql server 2005 you can't drop an extended stored procedure. You can deny the execute permission on it which effectively disables it.
In sql 2005 you can't remove an extended stored procedure. You can grant deny permission to the public user which effectivly disables it.

"In SQL Server 2005, sp_dropextendedproc does not drop system extended stored procedures. Instead, the system administrator should deny EXECUTE permission on the extended stored procedure to the public role. In SQL Server 2000, sp_dropextendedproc could be used to drop any extended stored procedure."

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