Infostealer Malware with Double Extension
Got this file attachment this week pretending to be from HSBC Global Payments and Cash Management. The attachment payment_copy.pdf.z is a rar archive, kind of unusual with this type of file archive but when extracted, it comes out as a double extension with pdf.exe. The file is a trojan infostealer and detected by multiple scanning engines.
Using CyberChef Forensics -> Extract Files, you can view a list of files part of the executable from the .exe, .zlib and various mp3 and png.
Saving some of the files to review and analyze them:
Indicators of Compromise
Filename: payment_copy.pdf.z -> RAR archive data
SHA256: 37da8f89540f4dae114f1f55cfd4d89be9582fbd480ac6ed6c34ac04ec8d576b
SSDEEP: 12288:jiE0YCjbwMh6ny+h+n6SN/PAQDnNNTtcvCEYLPQE5FiER3RiSbhXwS:eE3K0Mh6nyU+6SOQ77lPQaFpbeS
Filename: payment_copy.pdf.exe
IPs: 3.232.242[.]170, 52.20.78[.]240, 54.91.59[.]199, 65.108.213[.]43, 209.197.3[.]8
Domains: api.ipify[.]org,[.]com, mail.reousaomilia[.]gr, reousaomilia[.]gr, www.inkscape[.]org
SHA256: 3ccaf74f465a79ec320fdb7e44ae09551f4348efd3bf8bf7b3638cc0c1cd8492
Guy Bruneau IPSS Inc.
My Handler Page
Twitter: GuyBruneau
gbruneau at isc dot sans dot edu
Do you have any phish subject line, sender emails, or headers you could share? Thanks again.
Dec 22nd 2022
2 years ago
Do you have any phish subject line, sender emails, or headers you could share? Thanks again.
Dec 22nd 2022
2 years ago