Firefox v1.0.7 Released

Published: 2005-09-21. Last Updated: 2005-09-21 05:32:42 UTC
by Scott Fendley (Version: 1)
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Earlier today, Mozilla released the newest stable release of Firefox.  Firefox 1.0.7 is available for download in many languages (sorry Kevin that the KR release isn't ready yet, hopefully it will be soon).

From the release notes available at Mozilla Firefox website:

"This version includes several security and stability fixes, including a fix for a reported buffer overflow vulnerability and a fix for a Linux shell command vulnerability.

Specific changes in Firefox 1.0.7

  • Fix for a potential buffer overflow vulnerability when loading a hostname with all soft-hyphens
  • Fix to prevent URLs passed from external programs from being parsed by the shell (Linux only)
  • Fix to prevent a crash when loading a Proxy Auto-Config (PAC) script that uses an "eval" statement
  • Fix to restore InstallTrigger.getVersion() for Extension authors
  • Other stability and security fixes
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