Facebook, Facebook, What Do YOU See?

Published: 2010-07-07. Last Updated: 2010-07-07 13:51:55 UTC
by Kevin Shortt (Version: 2)
4 comment(s)

If you have kids and you are at all familiar the classic children's board book "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?" authored by Bill Martin Jr and illustrated by Eric Carle, then you will understand that the subject of this diary is a tribute to that book and read in the same tone. 

All good things should be used in moderation.  The same goes for the social networking sites Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.  (There are plenty more...)   Those that jump in and friend, connect, post, and share in excess may expose themselves if they are not aware of all of the consequences possible from using these sites.  

The information you post and share on these sites are not only controlled by the companies that host it, but may also be available to a countless sized audience.  There is an article posted on darkREADING yesterday that highlights some good reasons to show moderation when using social networking sites. 


There are many reminders through out the piece that your private information should NOT be shared on these sites.

So go back to each of your social networking sites and ask yourself the question: 

What do I see?

Kevin Shortt
ISC Handler on Duty

4 comment(s)


I actually heard Facebook will be installing "Face Recognition" software so "Big Brother" and other law enforcement agencies can start face scanning everyone on Facebook. I'm a fan of National Security, but again, this is just another medium to invade your personal privacy. So I do agree with this article 100%, watch what you put on these Social Networking sites, as you may be giving up your every move. Litterally.
After a bit of googling, "Robin Sage" is an actual military term - it's Phase 4 of the US Special Forces Q Course. I think Thomas Ryan was giving them as many clues as possible as he was phishing them in.
That's an interesting thought, dec0der, but I don't know as I see the point of doing facial recognition there. The site already insists you use your real name, so IDing you from the photo would be superfluous. As a source of headshots for doing *other* facial recognition work, it'd be distinctly inferior to existing DMV databases. I think your larger point is a good one, though.
David here is a brand new article about this subject:

An older article here.

The algorithm behind Photo Finder has been in development since 2007. Unlike many of the facial recognition algorithms out there today, this one does not require people to face the camera head-on in order for it to be accurate. Instead, it focuses on identifying people in "everyday photos" - that is, photos taken from different angles, out-of-focus shots, photos in low lighting, or those in which people are making odd facial expressions, etc.

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