Bot with Veritas; Internet crash in Pakistan; MS Security Bulletin Scam; MS05-017 Exploit

Published: 2005-06-28. Last Updated: 2005-06-28 22:08:47 UTC
by Handlers (Version: 1)
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Net Bot with Veritas Exploit

One of our reader report that new BOT variant try to exploit the new Veritas vulnerability. The bot infected system start scanning tcp/10000 for further infection. The miscreants start adapt new Veritas vulnerability other variants BOT.

Internet crash in Pakistan

The Reuters report Pakistan has problem with Internet access and Telecommunication. Following the Reuter, the undersea calbe link has problem due to the power supply. You will find more information at following link.

If anyone have more information, please report to ISC.

MS Security Bulletin Scam

Following the one of our reader, the
the new email scam disguised as Microsft Security Bulletins. Users receive an email message which urges the immediate installation of a MS cumulative security patch. If user executes the file, use will be infected new BOT variant. If anyone have more information, please report to ISC.

MS05-017 Exploit

published new exploit for vulnerability. The MS05-017 is vulnerability in Message Queuing, the remote attacker can execute command from remote. It's time to patch and filter some unnecessary port.

Kevin Hong

Handler on Duty
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