Microsoft non-patch; 8181 TCP; Safer Internet Day

Published: 2005-02-04. Last Updated: 2005-02-05 17:13:11 UTC
by Adrien de Beaupre (Version: 1)
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Patches Microsoft may or may not be releasing

eEye has a web page which brings attention to at least one vulnerability that Microsoft has been advised of, but for which there has been no patch for over 6 months now. While this might be one of the patches scheduled for release this coming Tuesday there isn't enough information available yet to know either way. Although 13 patches in one day might be enough for anyone. Stay tuned.

'Happy patch day!'

TCP port 8181 spike

Something is definitely up with TCP port 8181, the graph on Dshield is showing a major spike, and still climbing. If you have packets, or are aware of what tool or malware is causing this please drop us a line. One theory is that someone is looking for Windows boxen infected by Zafi.d, probably in order to install more lovely code.

Making the Internet a Safer Place

I applaud the announcement for a new site launch 08 Feb 2005 of a brand new Internet safety awareness portal. Although primarily a European site the Insafe network intends to raise Internet safety awareness. Which is always a good idea.


Adrien de Beaupré

Handler of the Day

abeaupre - at -
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