A Look at the Mandiant M-Trends 2016 Report

Published: 2016-03-13. Last Updated: 2016-03-13 18:28:03 UTC
by Guy Bruneau (Version: 1)
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Mandiant released their 2016 threat reports last month and highlighted some interesting trends: more breaches were made public and location and motive of attackers were more diversified. Handlers have posted over the past week diaries on various threats; attempt to exploit MacOS [2], fishing campaigns [3] and exploit kits [4] to name a few which in a way isn't really anything new. The attacks are now more in your "face" and going after the mainstream applications, encrypting files for money and mobile devices.

The report also contains some interesting statistics, "The median number of days an organization was compromised in 2015 before the organization discovered the breach (or was notified about the breach) was 146."[1] That is a long time, that is almost 5 months before a breach is discover. One of the new trends has been an increase in user held to ransom with critical files encrypted with Cryptolocker [5], loss of personal information or the exploit of network gears [6].

The report ends with an upbeat tone where it highlight the fact that security teams are getting better at detecting and combating attacks by malicious actors. The median time to detect system compromised has been steadily declining, however, there is still have a lot of work to do to detect and remediate the attack much sooner. What do you think a reasonable time should be? Hours, days, or less than a month.

[1] https://www2.fireeye.com/rs/848-DID-242/images/Mtrends2016.pdf
[2] https://isc.sans.edu/forums/diary/OSX+Ransomware+Spread+via+a+Rogue+BitTorrent+Client
[3] https://isc.sans.edu/forums/diary/Paypal+Phishing+landing+pages+hosted+at+HostGator/20803/
[4] https://isc.sans.edu/forums/diary/Recent+example+of+KaiXin+exploit+kit/20827/+Installer/20811/
[5] https://isc.sans.edu/forums/diary/Do+Extortionists+Get+Paid/20223
[6] https://isc.sans.edu/forums/diary/Port+32764+Router+Backdoor+is+Back+or+was+it+ever+gone/18009

Guy Bruneau IPSS Inc.
Twitter: GuyBruneau
gbruneau at isc dot sans dot edu

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