Greenbone and OpenVAS Scanner

Published: 2013-10-22. Last Updated: 2013-10-23 23:34:23 UTC
by Richard Porter (Version: 2)
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This virtual machine comes to you care of $DayJob frustrations and the need to generate logs. This month we are covering log entries and in my lab at work there was a need to trigger some alarms. So I set out to build an OpenVAS [1][5] suite in order to trigger several different detection systems.

The Greenbone Security Manager [2] provided an excellent, albeit not ‘as’ intuitive as I like, interface for scheduling scans and basically sending out network and application nastiness.


It had been a while since I had last set up an OpenVAS Suite so “to the Google Batman” ... In doing a quick search I located several blog entries on different distribution installs [3] [4] [5] as well as the OpenVAS Docs [6]. In this prep I also was looking for the smoothest distribution for install as this was going to sit as a virtual machine in my $DayJob lab. After searching forums the easiest seems to be Ubuntu on 12.04 LTS, however I ended up on CentOS 6.4. There are some caveats for installing on CentOS but just seemed to perform better.

CentOS Caveats

If you are going to install on CentOS, a couple of observations:

There will likely end up being some errors ( see [7] ) to work through.
If you manage to get it working and don’t see traffic leaving yet Greenbone says your job is running? “Audit2Allow [8] is your friend!” It is likely (Almost 99.9999%) SELinux.

For those that want to take the lazy way out :) the file you are looking for is in /etc/selinux and is config:


Make sure to run a rebuild after the install process, see [5] and look for the notes on openvasmd --rebuild coolsmiley

General Install Caveats

Syncing from OpenVAS can take a very ...... very long time. Just be patient if you build your own, the initial sync can take a great deal of time (hours occasionally). If you don’t want to take the time to install your own, you can download the below Greenbone VM.

Running a Job

The Greenbone VM

File Size: 764 MB
Type: OVF Template
OS: CentOS 6.4 (patched as of 22 OCT 2013)
SHA1: a80c8a1da92c68d38202b23f382acbc46b3fb850

Virtual Machine vHardware Settings

NIC Bridged

System Account: root
System Password: sanstraining

Greenbone Account: admin
Greenbone Password: sanstraining

All passwords will be sanstraining

VM Is set for DHCP on Boot.




Richard Porter || @packetalien || rporter at isc dot sans dot edu || blog:

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