Packet captures and log files for Port 14566

Published: 2013-09-04. Last Updated: 2013-09-04 01:46:17 UTC
by Tony Carothers (Version: 1)
2 comment(s)

A recent uptick in Port 14566 shows some activity over the past month, as shown in our DShield Report(1), however we have little information about what exactly is happening.  Some activity, then a lag near the end of August, followed by a large spike at the end, and the top port the past 24 hours, is curious.  A search of that port using Google and other security and traffic sites has yielded little, so if anybody has log files or activity of this port, we'd love to have a look.


tony d0t carothers --gmail

2 comment(s)


Is this TCP or UDP?
We have a computer in our company, who is communicating on the ports 14566. I would be happy, to help. Let me know, what for information you looking for.

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