Sudo For Windows

Published: 2006-06-23. Last Updated: 2006-06-24 04:33:23 UTC
by Scott Fendley (Version: 1)
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One of my colleagues sent me a URL today of an interesting utility I have been wishing I had for a while in the Windows environment that I thought I would share with you this evening.  For those of us that learned Unix systems administration prior to dealing with the Windows environment, sudo was one of those tools that made it much easier to compute more safely.  Well, sudo is now available for the Windows operating system as well.  This tool is somewhat different  from the RunAs command in that you use your own passphrase (with the right configuration) to elevate the privledges while running a particular application.  For those Unix geeks out there, RunAs is probably likened to su in some respects.  So if you were ever looking for a Sudo for windows, take a look at .
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