For the Adventurous, Java 8 is out

Published: 2014-03-19. Last Updated: 2014-03-19 21:21:03 UTC
by Mark Hofman (Version: 1)
3 comment(s)

Looks like JAVA 8 is out (thanks Rob).  

What’s new:

Release notes:


Note that many of the Java 8 download links still point to 7.51


Good luck let us know how you go if you are updating right now. 


3 comment(s)

Full Disclosure list shuts down

Published: 2014-03-19. Last Updated: 2014-03-19 21:17:33 UTC
by Mark Hofman (Version: 2)
0 comment(s)

The Full Disclosure mailing list which is at times an interesting source of information, other times entertainment and sometimes a source of frustration is shutting down.  John Cartwright posted a message announcing the closure on the site (  

I for one thank John and Len for the list.  It is a shame to see it go.  I'll miss the technical components.  I won't miss the reasons for taking this decision. 


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Mozilla released updates for Firefox ( v 28.0), Thunderbird (v 24.4) and Firefox Extended Support Release (ESR) updates to 24.4.0 (Fixes include the issues highlighted at the pwn2own contest.)
ISC StormCast for Wednesday, March 19th 2014


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