Firefox v2.0.0.17 and Thunderbird v2.0.0.17 release fixes vulnerabilities

Published: 2008-09-26. Last Updated: 2008-09-26 20:01:11 UTC
by Patrick Nolan (Version: 1)
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Firefox 2 v2.0.0.17 is available for download and corrects the vulnerabilities listed at "Security Advisories for Firefox 2.0 - Fixed in Firefox". "Firefox 2.0.0.x will be maintained with security and stability updates until mid-December, 2008. All users are strongly encouraged to upgrade to Firefox 3".

Thunderbird 2 v2.0.0.17 is available for download and  corrects the vulnerabilities at "Security Advisories for Thunderbird 2.0 - Fixed in Thunderbird".

Thanks Raul!

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Cyber Security Awareness Month - We Need Your Ideas

Published: 2008-09-26. Last Updated: 2008-09-26 10:38:54 UTC
by Marcus Sachs (Version: 1)
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Readers, last year for Cyber Security Awareness Month (the month of October) we ran a series of tips each day with lots of very good reader input.  Rather than repeating last year's series we decided to focus on incident handling for 2008.  As most graduates of SANS courses know, there are six steps to incident handling.  We plan to offer daily tips on each of those six areas according to the following schedule:

Preparation:  October 1-4
Identification:  October 5-11
Containment:  October 12-18
Eradication:  October 19-25
Recovery:  October 26-31
Lessons Learned:  November 1-3

Where we need your help over the next few days is to nominate some subject areas for those weeks.  For example, the Preparation week is short (only four days) and might go something like this:

Wednesday - Policies and Management Support
Thursday - Building a Response Team
Friday - Building Checklists
Saturday - What Goes Into a Response Kit

Send us your ideas for subjects to cover on all six of the topic weeks, broken down by day.  We'll take your ideas and put together a list for the month.  Please have your ideas to us by the end of the day on Sunday so that we can get this all finalized on Monday.

We don't need your specific ideas on each subject area yet (like "here's how we build a checklist") but we'll be asking for them during the month of October so go ahead and start thinking about your ideas.  Thanks for your help!

Marcus H. Sachs
Director, SANS Internet Storm Center

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