New email virus making the rounds

Published: 2006-01-11. Last Updated: 2006-01-12 20:52:23 UTC
by Daniel Wesemann (Version: 1)
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We are currently analyzing a copy of .. something.  Attachment name "", detection by AV is still thin to nonexistent. When run, the code tries to pull additional files from web servers in Russia, so if you have a chance, you might consider blocking the following TLDs on your proxy / perimeter:  /  / / /

UPDATE 2200UTC: contains a file named "Secure E-mail File.hta", which is according to current Virustotal output only detected by Panda and Kaspersky, the latter calls it Worm.Win32.Feebs.k . Samples we've seen come in an email with subject "Secure Message from user". The HTA file is nicely obfuscated, it has 2 obfuscation functions, one being easy unescape, while the other one is a bit more complex. Once it is executed by a user, it will run in the local zone, so it can use various ActiveXObjects. It will try to download executables from 5 web sites (domains listed above), all of which are up and working at this moment.

MD5 sums for the original exploit file and the two variants of EXEs it downloads when run:
7eb24b4c7b7933b6a0157e80be74383c  Secure E-mail File.hta
9cbd9710087bff6f372b1e3f652d8f7c  feebs1.exe
983bf330aae51535c7382dc82429364b  feebs2.exe

Analysis and write-up by fellow handler Bojan Zdrnja. Thanks! :)


Most of the AV vendors are now detecting this as another variant of the Feebs family. Here are links to couple of descriptions:

Symantec (W32.Feebs.[D|E]@mm):

Trend Micro (JS_FEEBS.M):

F-Secure (Feebs):

Thanks to Juha-Matti and Danny Goodman  for sending information about this!

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Default Password in Cisco MARS

Published: 2006-01-11. Last Updated: 2006-01-11 19:04:23 UTC
by Daniel Wesemann (Version: 1)
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Cisco MARS (Cisco Security Monitoring Analysis and Response System) seems to contain an undocumented "make me root" command. If you are using CS-MARS, Cisco have just published an advisory.
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Quicktime patches for Mac and Windows

Published: 2006-01-11. Last Updated: 2006-01-11 05:39:21 UTC
by Kyle Haugsness (Version: 2)
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Is Apple hiding behind Microsoft's advisories?  Seems like Apple has been conveniently releasing security advisories on the same day as Microsoft's.  Conspiracy theory?  You be the judge.

Anyway, Apple released a security update to Quicktime.  There are multiple vulnerabilities patched.  To summarize the advisory: A maliciously-crafted GIF/TIFF/TGA/QTIF image or multimedia file may result in arbitrary code execution.  Well that pretty much covers the whole web browsing thing. 

Given the week we've had, I suppose that everyone should go back to using netcat for surfing the web.

Update (from Scott):

For those using Quicktime on Windows, a quick note about the versions of Quicktime available to download at .  As of  5:30 UTC that the default installer you download includes iTunes.  The version of Quicktime included is 7.0.3 which is vulnerable per the advisory above. However, if you download the standalone installer located at , then you get the updated version of Quicktime 7.0.4.

Additionally, if you try to update the software using the "Update existing software..." item under the Help menu, then you receive a message about not being able to make an Internet connection to the software server. I receive the same message if I use the update message under the Quicktime settings window. Not sure if this is an odd configuration problem on my end, or if their update server is having problems.

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