Continued great response to call for Volunteers

Published: 2005-09-07. Last Updated: 2005-09-07 15:31:36 UTC
by Johannes Ullrich (Version: 3)
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We keep receiving a offers to volunteers in large numbers. Right now, we forward them to the Red Cross. However, a couple of Univ. Pennsylvania staffers are now working on a database for us to track these applications. I hope to have more to report soon.

Please use our Volunteer Signup Form to sign up.
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Cyber-Looting update

Published: 2005-09-06. Last Updated: 2005-09-06 21:37:05 UTC
by Johannes Ullrich (Version: 1)
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In particular our handler Tom Liston is tirelessly verifying hurricane related URLs to find new cyber looters. In a couple cases, we found well meaning URLs, which are indistinguishable from fake "cyber looting" sites.

If you registered a URL related to Katrina and are collecting donations, please identify which 501(c) you are associated with and provide contact information. If you are using a personal paypal account, please consider that by collecting the money and passing it on to a charity, you will lose whatever commision paypal is charging you. It may be more efficient to just link to the chartiy of your choice.

Just to illustrate the problem, here a graph showing the number of 'katrina' domains registered over the last couple days

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New Diary Format

Published: 2005-09-06. Last Updated: 2005-09-06 21:26:50 UTC
by Johannes Ullrich (Version: 1)
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Responding to many user requests, and requests from our handlers, we are changing the diary format.

Starting with this diary, we will no longer create one daily diary, but instead one or more "story". Each story may be created by a different handler, and some stories may span more then one day. This will allow us to keep thoughts together for events that last more then one day.

In addition handlers have now a nicer editor to create diaries, allowing for more formating options. For example, we can now include images and tables.

Old diaries will remain 'one story'. We may break them up in the future. Soon, you will be able to compare different versions of a story as it may change.
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